Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we deliver to many customer locations throughout Kentucky and Tennessee. Contact the office for specific delivery process.
Normal business hours:
From 8 am -4 pm Monday-Friday.
Special arranged hours:
We will gladly help with emergencies that may occur after normal business hours including weekends. Simply call the office phone number and we will be glad to setup a meeting time. Supporting your business is top priority for Lovers Lane Florals.
Yes, we have a large selection of fresh flowers maintained in two larger floral coolers. A large selection of silk flowers is on display in showroom based on the current season. Out of season silks may be in storage but please ask if there's something you may need.
Yes, we have a wide variety of hard goods for most special events, funerals, weddings, including day to day floral supply needs.
If you have special request items, call the office and discuss with one of our team members and we can likely special order.
We have a spacious greenhouse full of beautiful plants from 4" to 10" and many varieties.
Payment Methods
At this time, we accept most major credit cards, checks and cash. Automatic bank transactions may be offered in the future.
Existing customers:
Our payment terms are Prox 10, which means your invoices from the previous month will always be due on the 10th of following month. For example, all invoices issued in February will be due in full by March 10th. Any invoice that is 7 days late will be assessed a 10.0 % late fee monthly until late payments are complete. After 30 days, that customer will be moved to a pay upon purchase basis and will no longer be able to charge until the account is made current.
New Customers:
All new customers must complete a credit application and be approved before they can charge to their account and receive payment terms. Therefore, any purchases made before credit terms approval must be paid at the time of purchase either by cash, check or credit card. Once credit terms are approved, see guidelines above for Existing customers.
Monthly Statements:
Statements will go out on the first of each month via email. If you request your statement to be sent via the US Postal Service, your statement must still be paid by the 10th as we cannot be liable for delays in the US Postal Service.
Collecting our receivables within our stated terms allows us to continue to provide you with the highest quality and variety of products at the best prices!
All questions and issues regarding A/R should be directed to accounting@loverslanewholesale.com.
We do take pre-book orders. We request a 2 week notice for weddings and events if possible! If not, we will try our best to get what you need. PLEASE SEND ALL ORDERS TO OUR EMAIL, loverslanewholesale@gmail.com. It is recommended you follow up with a phone call to the office to ensure your prebook order was received and confirmed. You are responsible for any items you pre-book once we have ordered your items (usually 1 week before the event)